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Outcomes and Complications After Repeat Cesarean Sections Among King Abdulaziz University Hospital Patients

Khalid A. Alshehri, Ahmed A. Ammar, Meshal A. Aldhubabian, Mohammed S. Al-Zanbaqi, Ahyad A. Felimban, Motaz K. Alshuaibi, Ayman Oraif.


Introduction: Cesarean section (CS) is a surgical procedure that often saves the lives of both the mother and the baby, while a previous CS is one of the main indications for cesarean delivery in current pregnancy. Aim: Our aim was to determine the surgical and obstetrical outcomes and complication for the mother and the neonate after 4 or more CSs and compare it with mothers who had less than 4 previous CSs. Methods: This case-control study was conducted by reviewing the records of all women who underwent multiple CSs from 2013 to 2018. Our study group comprised of 394 women who had 4 or more CSs, and our control group comprised of similar number of women who had previous history of two or three CSs. Results: A total of 788 patients were enrolled in our study. We found that adhesions were the most common complications in our study group with a considerable increase in number of both moderate and severe adhesions in the study group compared to the controls with p-value of

Key words: multiple Cesarean sections, outcome, complication, adhesions.

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