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Med Arch. 2019; 73(3): 213-214

The Most Influential Physicians in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Abdulah Bukvica (1881-1969)

Izet Masic.


Dr. Abdulah Bukvica was born in Rogatica in 1881. He comes from a very prominent family that occupied a significant place in the social life of Bosnia during Ottoman rule (1-5). He was a descendant of Mustafa-pasha Bukvica, Zvornik Mukhafiz. It seems that he is a descendant of the Bogumil family, who went to Islam during the fetah. Dr. Abdullah is one of the seven first Muslim doctors from Bosnia and Herzegovina (6-10). Abdulah-bey Bukvica finished Primary school in Rogatica and a Gymnasium in Sarajevo in 1902.

Key words: Abdulah Bukvica

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