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Original Article

Med Arch. 2019; 73(3): 163-168

The Triglyceride/HDL Ratio and Triglyceride Glucose Index as Predictors of Glycemic Control in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2

Nermina Babic, Amina Valjevac, Asija Zaciragic, Nesina Avdagic, Sabina Zukic, Sabaheta Hasic.


Introduction: Poor glycemic control, assessed by higher glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels, is associated with greater risk of diabetic complications. Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the association of triglyceride - to - HDL cholesterol (TG/HDL-C) ratio and triglyceride glucose (TyG) index with HbA1c and to evaluate their potential role as predictors of glycemic control in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2). Patients and methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in Health Center Banovici and included a total of 113 patients with DM2 classified according to their HbA1c values in two groups: DM2 HbA1c

Key words: TG/HDL-C ratio, TyG index, glycemic control, HbA1c, patients with diabetes mellitus type 2.

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