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RMJ. 2019; 44(2): 227-228

High prevalence of iron deficiency anemias in Pakistan

Tauqir A. Shah.


Anemia is a condition which occurs due to decrease in the number of RBCs below a certain level or a change in the shape or size of RBCs in the circulation or a decrease in normal hemoglobin in RBCs, which fails to deliver adequate amount of oxygen to the vital organs. Production of abnormal hemoglobin and small sized RBCs in the bone marrow in thalassemia also interferes in transportation of oxygen to the tissues and is an important cause in Northern areas of Pakistan.
Some criteria laid down for the diagnosis in adults in the Western world are hematocrit (Hct) less than 41% and/or hemoglobin (Hb) less than 13.5 g/dl in males or HCT less than 36% and/or Hb less than 12 g/dl in females. In Pakistan, except in high altitude dwellers like Murree, Gilgit or Skardu, the value of Hb in adult females in child bearing period, considered as normal in medical practice is usually around 110.5 g/dl.

Key words: Anemia, helminthiasis, iron deficiency

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