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Med Arch. 2019; 73(2): 134-135

The Most Influential Physicians in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Bruno Curinaldi (1854-1944)

Izet Masic.


Dr. Bruno von Curinaldi, came to Mostar from Zadar (Croatia) and started to work as Director of Mostar hospital in 1879 (1-3). In that time in Mostar also worked Dr. Franjo Hus (died in Mostar 1940), Dr. Otto Weiss (came to Mostar in 1882 from Bilroth’s hospital in Vienna, and in 1894 he moved to State hospital in Sarajevo to chair Gynaecology-Obstretics department), Dr. William Tonner (from Prague, well known as physician who treated poor people in Mostar free of charge (written in journal «Novi hercegovački bosiljak» in 1885) (4), Dr. Fakete Samule (from Hungary, died in Mostar due to infection when performing autopsy), Dr. Trepeljka and Dr. Kestner (worked in 1886, during epidemic of cholera in Mostar), Dr. Braun, Dr. Herman, Dr. Koralek, Dr. Tausig (all of them physicians in Military hospital in Mostar), Dr. Moritz Englander (surgeon), Dr. Drago Mesliger, Dr. Kohn, Dr. Goldfarb, Dr. Franjo Bulat (famous physician, but also musician, Director of “Hrvatska glazba” in Mostar which organized a lot of concerts in Mostar, died in 1947), Dr. Gotfrid Holer, Dr. Pollacek. From Vienna to Mostar sometime was coming famous ophtalmologist Dr. Dragutin Heinzel (worked at Clinic of professor Fuchs), Dr. Jerko Bulat, son of Franjo Bulat spent his work time in Mostar. Dr. Nikola Grazetic also was engaged in Mostar’s cultural manifestations with Franjo Bulat (4).

Key words: Bruno Curinaldi

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