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Risk Factors and Outcome of Neonatal Pneumothorax in Tuzla Canton

Devleta Hadzic, Fahrija Skokic, Edin Husaric, Hajriz Alihodzic, Dzenana Softic, Dzenita Kovacevic.


Aim: The aim of this study was to analyze risk factors and outcome of neonatal pneumothorax in Tuzla Canton. Methods: Neonates with chest X-ray confirmed pneumothorax in University Clinical Center of Tuzla, within a three-year period, from January 2015 to December 2017, were retrospectively studied. Participants were evaluated for baseline characteristics, predisposing factors of neonatal pneumothorax, accompanying disorders and mortality. Results: During the observed three-year period 11425 neonates were born in Tuzla Canton, with 7.33 % of preterm births, and 604 neonates were treated in NICU, with 265 neonates who required mechanical ventilation. Neonatal pneumothorax (NP) was diagnosed in 22 patients (9 term, 13 preterm), 12 (54.5%) were male. The incidence was 0.20% of total births, respectively 3.64% of those treated in NICU. The mean gestational age were 35.1 ± 3.0 weeks and birth weight 2 506.8 ± 727.7 grams. NP was mostly unilateral (72.7%) and right-sided. The most commonly associated diseases were: respiratory distress syndrome, intracranial haemorrhage, pneumonia, transient tachypnea and sepsis. In 8 (36.4%) neonates, the underlying cause of NP could be mechanical ventilation (secondary), whereas in 14 (63.6%) NP was spontaneous, without previous mechanical ventilation, although 11 of them required mechanical ventilation after pneumothorax. Conclusion: All perinatal risk factors were investigate, and significant differences in two observed groups related to mechanical ventilation were found for birth weight, gestational age, Caesarean section, length of mechanical ventilation, surfactant replacement therapy and outcome. Three (13.64%) neonates with NP died, and among risk factors with poor outcome, significant was only Apgar score in the first minute ≤ 5.

Key words: pneumothorax, neonates, risk factors, outcome, mortality.

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