From the Editors Desk
It gives me immense satisfaction to reach you all through the 13th issue of MJHS. At the outset let me express my gratitude to our beloved Rector Dr.Khalid Bin Saad Al Meqrin and Vice Rector for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Prof. Mohammad Bin Abdullah Al-Shaaya for the trust endowed upon editorial team and me.
Scientific publications are the most important ways for communicating scientific research work. Personally I feel the purpose of academic research should be to seek the truth and new knowledge for the benefit of humanity. Undoubtedly research complements and helps in the improvisation of teaching and training, clinical care, and public health. Therefore research has become an integral responsibility of the faculty members.
Owing to the increase in the number of articles from Universities all over the Kingdom and outside, I am very happy to announce that from this year MJHS will bring out three issues per year. Thanks to the tireless efforts of editorial team and reviewers. It is also my privilege to introduce the editorial sub-committee formulated to increase the efficiency of working. On behalf of the editorial board I assure that we will continue to work hard for improving the quality of the journal and to bring pride to our University.
Dr.Khalid Mohammed Alabdulwahhab
Editor in Chief
Key words: Editorial