Women farmers are rarely paid any attention in terms of agricultural assistance and policy formulations despite their important role in agricultural production. Given that food crops productivity is the ratio of the amount of output produced to the ratio of the amount of resources used, this study therefore, ascertained the determinants of food crops' productivity among women farmers in Kaduna State, Nigeria. Multi-stage random sampling technique was used to collect data from one hundred and fifty (150) respondents and the Cobb-Douglas production function model was applied in the data analysis. Income (P < 0.01), Fertiliser (P < 0.01), Labour (P < 0.05), Credit (P < 0.05) and Farm size (P < 0.01) were found to be the major determinants of food crop productivity among the rural women. Policies aimed at improving the income of the rural women at the beginning of the fanning season could increase the food crop output of the women farmers. Extension workers need to be properly equipped through training -in order to increase the frequency of their contact with the women farmers.
Key words: Women, Cobb-Douglas, Food Crops, Productivity