Among solid oral dosage forms, tablets have been the most popular dosage form. Nowadays orodispersible tablets are novel
form of tablet, which found to be very compatible amongst all category of patients. In recent years, increasing attention has
been paid to formulate not only fast dissolving and/or disintegrating tablets that are swallowed, but also orally disintegrating
tablets that are intended to dissolve and/or disintegrate rapidly in the mouth. The task of developing rapidly disintegrating
tablets is accomplished by using a suitable superdisintegrants. The therapeutic activity of these formulations is obtained
through a typical manner like disintegration followed by dissolution, in this mechanism disintegration is the key step to
disperse the tablet into respected body cavity/fluid. Superdisintegrants are used to improve the disintegration, solubility and
efficacy of orodispersible tablets. These agents can be obtained form natural as well as synthetic origin from which the
natural form is widely used due to its easy availability, inexpensiveness and safer property. The present review comprises the
various kinds of natural Superdisintegrants like Fenugreek seed mucilage and Seed mucilage of Plantago Ovata are discussed
in detail along with other examples which are being used in the formulation to increase disintegration and solubility which in
turn improves the bioavailability of orodispersible tablets in cheaper, non-toxic and non-irritant way
Key words: Natural superdisintegrants, orodispersible, disintegration, bioavailability