The automated Sanger method is considered as a first generation technology and newer methods are referred to as next
generation sequencing. These newer technologies constitute various strategies that rely on a combination of template
preparation sequencing and imaging and genome alignment and assembly methods. NGS or high throughput sequencing
technologies are intended to lower the cost of DNA sequencing beyond what is possible with standard dye terminator
methods. Bacillus cereus is a very common dirt-dwelling bacterium which can survive in an oxygen environment with the
help of protective endospores. There are several strains like HUB4-4,HUB2-3, CER057etc are cause harm to humans,
whereas others are used as helpful probiotics. De novo assembly is mainly used for the purpose of assembling short reads to
create full-length sequences. Bacillus cereus HUB4-4 for this organism there is no contigs and scaffolds are available. So De
novo assembly was carried out to find scaffolds and contigs by using the CLC Genomics Workbench and DRA pipeline and
N25, N50, N75 contigs were determined. For identified N50 contigs, BLAST is done at NCBI and identified related
organism toBacillus cereus HUB4-4 in CLC genomics. N50 contigs in DRA pipeline were also determined by using three
software tools like soap de novo, velvet, abyss for the Bacillus cereus HUB4-4 data using short read assembly for paired end
data and compare the output of these two tools and identified CLC genomics workbench is more efficient.
Key words: illumina genome analyzer, denovo assembly, Bacillus cereus HUB4-4, CLC genomics workbench, DRA