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Review Article

IJPRT. 2014; 4(1): 32-37

MEMS: Novel Means of Smart Drug Delivery

Vibha R. Champavat, J. K. Patel1, Anita P. Patel, G.P. Patel.


Micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) are tiny chips that can be produced by semiconductor processes to combine
mechanical sensing, motion and control to solid state electronics to deliver extraordinary functionality and versatility.
MEMS can sense pressure, detect motion, measure forces, identify bio-agents, pump and control fluids and perform other
actions that have great value to the medical and biological fields. BioMEMS is the term used to describe the chips designed
specifically for these applications. These MEMS devices can be used as in-vivo devices as well as transdermal devices.
Some marketed MEMS drug delivery systems are also available. The review highlights the various fields in the drug
delivery where this approach has been utilized and the various materials which are used for its manufacturing.

Key words: MEMS, Smart Pill, Micro-needles, Micro-pump, Deep reactive ion etching.

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