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Equijost. 2015; 3(1): 86-91


Muhammad S. A. A..


In making transparent decision and healthy competitive process in the procurement loop, there exists a need for flexible guidance in the processes. This paper identified the various approaches to tendering procedures; what contract are, its various facets, and what makes it valid; Contract supervision and how Construction Account is brought to a close to the satisfaction of both parties. It was concluded that the degree of success in every construction project is directly proportional to the effectiveness of the contracting techniques employed at the Pre-Construction stage. It is recommended that Construction Contract Managers should ensure that whatever decision taking particularly in the selection of the type of contract to apply, and all the laid down rules and regulations ranging from the Pre-Tendering, Tendering, and Post-Tendering Processes are strictly adhered to in all Construction Contracting processes.

Key words: Tender, Method, Contracting, Industry.

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