A screenhouse potted experiment was set up to evaluate responses of five cassava varieties (TMS 0510, TME 419, TMS 0581, TMS 0505 and TMS 30572) to the pre-planting effect of hot water and fungicide treatment on severity of Cassava mosaic virus and Brown leaf spot diseases. The treatments were hexaconazole (5% SC), hot water (500C) plus hexaconazole (5% SC), and distilled water (control). The stakes were dipped in each treatments for 60 minutes and air dried for 2 hours before planting in 10-litre plastic pots containing sandy-loam soils previously steam sterilized at 1200C. Each treatment was replicated thrice giving a total of 48 observations. Data were collected and analysed for disease severity as well as growth and yield attributes. The result showed that percentage disease severity was highest in control, intermediate in fungicide treatment and lowest in fungicide plus hot water treatment. At the 6th week after planting (WAP), percentage disease severity was significantly lowest in fungicide plus hot water treated cassava variety 30572 (3%) and highest in the controls especially in cassava variety 505 (9.9%). At the 21st WAP disease severity values for variety 419 were: 19.4% (fungicide plus hot water), 26.3% (fungicide alone) and 31.8% (control) respectively. Plants heights and number of leaves per plant were also significantly highest for the fungicide plus hot water treatment followed by the fungicide alone treated plants. The highest yield parameters such as stem girth (9.4cm), average number of tubers per plant (25.2) and average weight of tubers per plant (10.4g) were obtained in variety TME419 treated with fungicide plus hot water. The study showed that fungicide and hot water treatment of stakes before planting could serve as a control measure for viral and fungal diseases in cassava.
Key words: Cassava, Fungus, Virus, Heat Therapy, Disease Severity