Introduction: Breast cancer is the most common malignant tumor in women. On the list of causes of death immediately after lung cancer. It is a heterogeneous disease, considering the differences in morphological, cytogenetic, molecular, clinical and therapeutic aspects, so that the prognosis in a patient with the same histological grade and pathological status may vary. Aim: In this paper we wanted to identify the correlation between the assay of the serum values of uPA-PAI-1 complexes and individual prognostic-predictive parameters, primarily with the status of estrogenic (Er), progesterogenic (PgR) and Her-2 receptors (human epidermal growth factor).Material and methods: The study was conducted at the Clinic for General and Abdominal Surgery, University Clinical Center of Sarajevo (CCUS), from September 2016 to April 2017. The study included 66 patients, ages 18 to 75, in whom by the needle biopsy preoperatively was pathohistologically verified primary invasive breast cancer. Results: Two thirds of the sample were classified as invasive ductal carcinoma, similar to the percentage (68.2%) of pT2 size, and almost half in the grade G3. Lymph node status was negative in 54.5% of respondents, and positive in 31.8% of respondents. Most patients had positive estrogenic (83.3%) and progesterone receptors (62.1%). Almost 80% was Her-2 negative. The blood vessel invasion was present in 56.1%, while the neural invasion was present in less than a third of the sample (30.3%). Median values of uPA-PAI-1 complexes were 1.4 (interquartile range 0.9); almost 70% of the sample was negative for the status analysis of uPA-PAI-1 complex (
Key words: early invasive breast cancer, hormonal and HER-2 status, serum level of urokinase activation plasminogen (uPA), inhibitor (PAI-1).