Original Article |
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Hepatitis C Treatment in Patients with Drug Addiction Is Effective or Not Effective?
Seyed Amineh Hojati, Elham Maserat, Mohammad Ghorbani, Alireza Safarpour, Mohammad Reza Fattehi. Abstract | | | | Introduction: Patients with drug addiction have high risk for hepatitis C virus (HCV). Effective treatment response is essential to optimize treatment for drug abusers infected by hepatitis C virus. Aim: The aim of this present study was to show that hepatitis C treatment in patients with drug addiction is effective like patients without drug addiction. Material and Methods: Total amount of 57 patients with hepatitis C (25 drug abuser and 32 nondrug abuser) that referred to Shahid Motahari clinic of Shiraz were selected. All patients infected with HCV treated by combination regimens of ribavirin, sofosbuvir and interferon. Patients received sofosbuvir (400mg once a day) in combination with peg-IFN-alpha (92a180m/w92b1/5m/kg/w) and RBV (under 75 kg 1000mg, over 75 kg 12000kg) for 12 weeks. The KolmogorovSmirnov test was used for testing normality. Associations between variables were analyzed using a Chi-square, Fisher exact, T student and MannWhitney U test. Results: Out of 25 HCV patients (43.9%) were drug addicts and 32 patients (56.1%) were non-drug addicts. Insomnia (61.4%), fatigue (63.1%) and debility (49.1%) were more common adverse effects of therapy in drug abusers and non-drug abusers. Alanine transaminase (ALT) and HCV RNA was normal in the end of therapy (EOT). White blood cell (WBC) count decreased in during two-week after starting of the treatment and then increased to normal levels at the end of treatment. Reduction of WBC count was considerable in during two-week. Hematologic result was not considerable. Reduction of hemoglobin was
Key words: Hepatitis C virus, Drug Addiction, Treatment.