The end of pregnancy journey comes after 40 weeks and the birth of the baby is one of the lifes
most wondrous moments. Newborn babies have amazing abilities yet, they are tiny, powerless and
completely dependent on others for every aspects like feeding, comfort and warmth. Aim of this study was
to assess the knowledge of postnatal mothers on newborn care. Objectives of this study was to assess the
knowledge of postnatal mothers on newborn care and to associate the knowledge of postnatal mothers in
newborn care with selected demographic variables prethodology quantitative research approach was adopted
and descriptive research desigh used to assess the knowledge of postnatal mothers on newborn care. 30
samples were selected by simple random sampling technique. Questionnaire was prepared to assess the
knowledge of post natal mothers on newborn care. The results of the study shows that 36.6% of women
had inadequate knowledge, 30% had moderate knowledge and 33.3% had adequate knowledge on newborn
care. Conclusion: Key word: postnatal mothers, newborn care, knowledge.
Key words: newborn care,knowledge of post natal mothers