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Case Report

Med Arch. 2018; 72(4): 300-302

Congenital Bilateral Anophthalmia: a Case Report and Review of Literature

Meliha Halilbasic, Vahid Jusufovic, Zlatko Musanovic, Arnes Cabric.


Introduction: Anophthalmia is congenital absence of the eyes; it may be unilateral or bilateral. Though rare, it occurs worldwide. It usually occurs in association with other systemic malformations. Case report: Therefore, the case of a female child delivered in University Clinic Center Tuzla is presented here with bilateral anophthalmia. The diagnosis was confirmed with an ocular computer tomography (CT) scan that showed under development of both globes within the orbit with a conclusion of bilateral anophthalmia. No other anomalies were found. Conclusion: This is unique case in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as according to the literature this is the first case of anophthalmia presented in this region. Currently two years ago she is followed both in ophthalmic and pediatric clinic at University Clinical Center in Tuzla.

Key words: Anophthalmia, blind child, antenatal care, reconstructive surgery.

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