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Original Article

NNJ. 2017; 6(4): 26-28
doi: 2017

A study to assess the knowledge regarding point scale among II year B.Sc nursing students in Narayana College of Nursing, Nellore.

Ms. V. Thejaswi, Dr. S. Indira,Ms. Alica Cyriac.


Scaling is the process of measuring or ordering entities with respect to quantitative attributes or traits. The level of measurement is the type of data that is measured.The point scale are developed by utilization of item analysis approach where in a particular item is evaluated on the basis of how well it discriminate between those items or statement. It consists of two methods (I) Selected word will give the opinion. The respondent is to cross out every word i.e., more annoying than pleasing to him. The attitude of a respondent is known by calculating numbers of words crossed or not crossed (ii) two sets of words indicating both favorable and unfavorable opinions are given .The unfavorable items may be crossed and favorable items
may be left unscored. OBJECTIVES: To assess the knowledge regarding point scale among II year B.Sc (N) Students. METHODOLOGY: A Quantitative approach and Non-experimental descriptive design was adopted to assess the knowledge regarding point scale among II year B.Sc (N) Students.The study was conducted in Narayana College Of Nursing. A Sample size of 30 II year B.sc Nursing students of Narayana College of Nursing were selected by using Non probability convenience sampling technique.The data was collected by using structured questionnaire. The data was analyzed in terms of objectives of the study by using descriptive and inferential statistics RESULTS: The result shows that majority of nursing students had B grade knowledge regarding point scale

Key words: Point scale, knowledge

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