Nearly 50 % of all infant deaths occur during the neonatal period, half of these deaths occurs in the first 7 days due to prematurity neonatal tetanus, birth asphyxia, and infections which can be prevented by proper and timely care of new born. Mother Plays a key role in identifying minor developmental deviations and early evidence of disease process because Mother is constantly and closely watching her baby, so she needs the basic knowledge and skills pertaining to child nutrition, immunization, environmental sanitation, personal hygiene and other common problems in children. Objectives:1. To assess the level of knowledge on prime postnatal mothers on newborn care. 2. To analyze the effectiveness of video assisted teaching on new born care among prime postnatal mothers. 3. To find the association between post test knowledge scores and selected variable Results: The procedure was carried out in the postnatal ward at Government General Hospital, Kakinada. The primi postnatal mother were assessed before the procedure and were observed during and after procedure of primi postnatal mothers. Comparison of assessment mean level of 24.1 and evaluation mean 12.4 shows the improvement mean was 14.9 with standard deviation of 1.52. The knowledge of new born care was tested by the non parametric sign test. Statistically there was significant improvement in primi postnatal mothers at the level of p
Key words: Video assisted teaching, knowledge, newborn care, primy gravid mother.