Maternity nursing offers a great educative and rehabilitative challenge. A women centered approach care in the postpartum period should assist by physical recovery by being focused on the needs of women as individual rather than fitting women into routine care package. Postpartum care include
prevention, early detection, treatment of complication and provision of advice. Aim of this study was to assess the level of knowledge and attitude of postnatal mothers regarding selected postnatal complications . Objectives of this study was to assess the knowledge and attitude of postnatal mothers regarding selected postnatal complications and to find out the correlation between knowledge and attitude on selected postnatal complications.80 samples were selected by purposive sampling technique. Questionnaire was prepared to assess the knowledge and attitude of post natal mothers regarding postnatal complication.The results of the study shows that 72.5% of women had inadequate knowledge ,17% had moderate knowledge and
10% had adequate knowledge on postnatal complications and 68% of women had negative attitude ,26% had neutral attitude and 6% had positive attitude on postnatal complications.
Key words: knowledge, attitude, postnatal mothers, postnatal complications