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IJMDC. 2018; 2(September 2018): 114-123

A qualitative evaluation of alignment between intended and emergent components in a graduate program through instructors

Muhammad Owais Aziz, Muhammad Asadullah Siddiqui.


Objectives: Evaluation of this program was undertaken to gauge the alignment between learning outcomes (LOs), activities, and assessments at the course level. Simultaneously, identify the outcomes, activities, and assessments, which were not specified in documents but are parts of the program, these programmatic processes and outcomes are termed as "emergent" in this evaluation.
Methods: This evaluation was accomplished by thematic analysis of the collected data utilizing a case study approach in subsequent steps; first, identifying and involving the key stakeholders to enhance the utility and credibility; second, engaging the participants who were the instructors of the program; third, collection of data through the program documents and interviews of the participants, and finally, data were analyzed in six steps using a qualitative data analysis software.
Results: Study results found the courses LOs were well aligned with the activities and assessments, and the progressive nature of the program had resulted in emergent components.
Conclusions: Consequently, the evaluation generated a summary report which detailed the findings and recommendations, such as emergent should be continuously evaluated to maintain alignment in the course components, and formal documentation of emergent LOs, activities, and assessment can further indicate achievements of the courses. Furthermore, this evaluation has explicit program design which will provide the foundation for future monitoring and impact evaluations of this program.
Keywords: Program evaluation, qualitative evaluation, course alignment, intended components, emergent components.

Key words: Program evaluation; Qualitative Evaluation; Course Alignment; Intended components; Emergent components

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