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A qualitative research on the factors determining product awareness and product preference in promoting medicines by digital tools

Ali Karaman, Yakup Durmaz.


The aim of the present study is determination of the factors that are effective in product awareness and product preference in digital promotion. A semi-structured interview form was used to identify the views of the nineteen participants in total. The interviews were done by the researcher. All the data obtained from the participants were coded, categorized and resolved by using content analysis technique with Maxqda12 program. The most important factor determining the product preference in the digital promotion is the product effectiveness in terms of the product characteristics. Factors that determine the product awareness include new developments and sharing up-to-date data of products were at 34% rate; and, data sharing with evidence related to the products was important with rate of 24%. In conclusion, in order to increase product awareness, it is necessary to transfer the product characteristics in full, complete and unbiased version. However, when it comes to product preference, it was determined that the characteristics of triple multifactorial factors such as product, employee and firm are determinative.

Key words: Qualitative research, medicine, healthcare market, pharmaceutical products, drug prescribing

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