Balance is an essential component of an individuals gait and it has been found to decline with age. Chronic low back pain is a common musculoskeletal disorder among aging population. This study compared dynamic and static balance performance between older individuals with and without chronic low back pain. This study was a cross sectional survey design. Willing elderly individuals with and without low back pain were recruited at three different clinics to participate in this study. Information on age, gender, occupation, marital status and duration of onset of low back pain was obtained from all participants. Sharpened Romberg test was used to measure static balance, while functional reach test and time up and go test were used to measure dynamic balance. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics of mean, range, percentages and Inferential statistics of independent t test. Alpha level was set at 0.05. Ninety- two participants (46 with chronic low back pain and 46 participants without chronic low back pain) with mean age of 67.02 years participated in this study. The participants comprised of 49 females (53%) and 43 males (47%). Elderly participants with chronic low back pain had significantly lower measure of functional reach test and significantly higher measure of time up and go test. Sharpened Romberg (eyes opened and eyes closed) test measure was significantly higher in participants without chronic low back pain than participants with chronic low back pain. Balance (static and dynamic) performance among elderly with chronic low back pain was significantly affected negatively. Routine evaluation and training of balance is advocated in management of elderly patients with chronic low back pain.
Key words: Static balance, dynamic balance, chronic low back pain, elderly