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Association of ABO blood group with different constitutional types

Kumari Vandana, Brij Mohan Singh.

Cited by 2 Articles

Background: Tridosha and Prakriti are the fundamental principles of Ayurveda which forms the basis of individualized approach of Ayurveda for health and diseases. All individuals have the same blood group system, but differences in ABO and Rh gene phenotype are seen across the globe.

Aims and Objectives: The aim of the study is to find the distribution and the possible association between blood group and prakriti, the Ayurvedic constitutional types.

Material and Methods: For this study to be carried out, a total of 70 infants were selected. Assessment of Prakriti was done using prototype research software relevant to infantsÂ’ Prakriti assessment software. ABO blood group of the infants was obtained, and its incidence was studied in relation with the body constitution.

Results: The present study we found that blood group B+ (40.0%) was most prevalent, followed by A+ (25.7%), closely followed by O+ (22.9), and then AB+ (8.6%). It has been found that the incidence of blood group A is more in Kaphaja prakriti (41.2%) followed by Vata-kaphaja prakriti, blood group B in more prevalent in Pittaja prakriti than in Vata-pittaja prakriti, and Oblood group was found to be maximum (66.70%) in Vataja prakriti infants followed by Pittaja kaphaja prakriti.

Conclusion: The study showed blood group B was found most prevalent blood group. It may be concluded that there exists a relation between ABO blood group and different constitutional types of infants.

Key words: Blood Group; Prakriti; Pitta; Vata; Kapha

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