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Measurement of the Pain Levels of Patients with Extremity Traumas and Assessment of the Attitudes of Emergency Physicians to Pain Management

Emrah Akgun, Nalan Kozaci, Mustafa Avci.

Cited by 3 Articles

Aim: In this study, we aimed to measure the pain levels of patients with isolated extremity injuries due to low energy trauma, using pain scales in the emergency department (ED).
Material and Methods: Patients were included in the studybetween January and March 2017. The trauma-related pain levels of the patients were assessed at the time of the initial examination and in the 45th minute. Three different scales; the ‘Wong-Baker FACES Pain Rating Scale’(WBS), ‘Verbal Rating Scale’(VRS), and ‘Numeric Pain Rating Scale’ (NPRS) were used to measure the levels of pain.
Results: 236 patients were included in the study. At the time of the initial admission to the ED, 77% of patients had “Even More” pain and worse according to the WBS, 67% had a pain score of 60 and above according to the Scale NPRS, and 74% had severe and worse pain according to the VRS. Analgesics were given to 11% of patients. A statistically significant decrease was detected in the pain scale scores of patients who were treated in the ED compared to the patients who were not treated (p

Key words: Extremity Trauma; Pain Measurement; Pain Management.

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