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An Evaluation of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Consultation Services Requested in a University Hospital

Evrim Aktepe, Orhan Kocaman, Adem Işık, Funda Özyay Eroğlu.


AIM: The aim of the present study is to inquire into the evaluation and monitoring processes of the psychiatry consultations requested within the period of 4 years and 3 months in Suleyman Demirel University (SDU) Medical Faculty Children-Adolescent Mental Health and Disorders Department.
METHOD: In-patients and out-patients monitored by the clinics of SDU Medical Faculty between 20 March 2008 - 04 June 2012 for whom psychiatry consultation is requested are included in the study. The requested consultations are evaluated retrospectively in this study. Data concerning which units the consultations have been requested from, the medical diagnoses of the patients, reasons for the consultation request, psychiatric diagnoses and treatments, and the monitoring processes and demographic characteristics are evaluated.
RESULTS: The 71.4% of the cases are females (n:40) and the 28.6% are males (n:16). There are 56 cases that consist of children and adolescents. The 66.1% of the cases are in-patients and 33.9% are out-patients. The most frequent medical diagnosis is acute physical complaints (48.2%), and the most frequently observed reasons for consultation requests are suicide attempts (41.1%) and depressive symptoms (12.5%). It has been observed that among the patients for whom monitoring is advised, 66% have not attended to their monitoring sessions.
CONCLUSION: It is important that child care physicians and mental health professionals to work in cooperation for the consultation process to function properly. It has been observed that most of the cases for whom monitoring is advised have not attended to their monitoring sessions and were not able to complete their treatments. It seems proper to inform the families about this matter and to take the necessary measures in the child psychiatry clinics where monitoring is to be conducted.

Key words: Consultation, child-adolescents, chronic illness

Article Language: Turkish English

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