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Anticonvulsive effects of nifedipine and flunarizine on maximal electroshock seizures induced seizures

Raina Jain, Naveen Bankey, Ashish Jain.

Cited by 3 Articles

Background: Epilepsy is a common neurological disorder but the mechanism of seizure generation has been only partially unraveled. Currently available antiepileptics have a low therapeutic index and furthermore, provide satisfactory seizures control in only 60–70% of patients. Therefore, the present study was done to review the basic mechanism of seizures with special attention on voltage gated calcium channels and search for new antiepileptic in order to improve the efficacy of current therapies.

Aims and Objective: The current study aimed to evaluate the anticonvulsant activity of calcium channel blockers.

Materials and Methods: The animals were treated with Nifedipine (100 μg/100 g ip and 200 μg/100 g ip) and Flunarizine (5mg ⁄ kg ip and 10 mg⁄kg ip) and maximal electroshock seizures (MES) was induced by technoelectro convulsometer, 2 hrs after the administration of drugs, and duration of various phases were noted. Duration of tonic hind limb extension (THLE) was taken as index for antiepileptic activity.

Result: Nifedipine and Flunarizine when administered in dose of 100 μg/100 g ip and 5 mg/kg respectively did not produce any changes in any phases of the MES induced seizure. But in dose of 200 μg/100 g ip and 10 mg/kg ip respectively, it significantly reduced the duration of THLE.

Conclusion: Nifedipine and Flunarizine have a significant action against MES induced seizures suggesting an important role of CCBs as future, promising antiepileptic drug.

Key words: Calcium Channels; Maximal Electroshock Seizures; Nifedipine; Flunarizine; Tonic Hind Limb Extension; Anticonvulsants

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