Introduction: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a chronic metabolic disease caused by insulin resistance. Insulin resistance leads to hyperglycaemia that causes complication such as microangiopathy and macroangiopathy. The immune system of T2DM will be produce IL-10 as an anti-inflammatory cytokine role immune-stimulator and immunosuppressant in the organ system. This present study investigated of IL-10 gene profile and protein expression in the rat organ (Rattus norvegicus) strain Wistar model T2DM. Material and Methods: This research was used three of male rats group T2DM and three of male of normal rat as a control. The DNA tissues were isolated, amplified and sequenced by using IL-10 gene primer. The IL-10 protein profile and expression of rat tissues was analyzed using Experion-Pro260 gel and dot blotting using IL-10 antibody. Results: This study showed the differential expression of IL-10 gene profile among tissues among normal and T2DM groups. The IL-10 gene sequences, we found eight mutations in brain and twenty-seven mutations on gastric of T2DM group compare with control group, meanwhile there are no mutation in other tissues of both groups. The protein profile of all tissues in both groups was completely diverse as proper. Moreover, the level expression of IL-10 of heart, lung, gastric and kidney of T2DM group was lower than other tissues of both groups. Conclusion: This study concludes that T2DM animal model triggering mutation of IL-10 gene sequences of brain and gastric and induced the increasing level expression of IL-10 of ileum, brain and liver.
Key words: hyperglycaemia, IL-10 gene, T2DM.