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Open Vet J. 2018; 8(4): 415-422


Talla Sridhar Goud, Ramesh Chandra Upadhyay, Anil Kumar, Satyanagalakshmi Karri, Renuka Choudhary, Syma Ashraf, Sohan Vir Singh, Onteru Suneel Kumar, Chadipiralla Kiranmai.

Cited by 7 Articles

DNA is the prerequisite for life’s inception that transfers hereditary information, past several years; various types of commercial kits are made available which vary depending on the type of the biological sample being used. The present study is focused on developing an improvised methodology for the isolation of genomic DNA from stored bovine blood samples. DNA was isolated by using the conventional Phenol: Chloroform: Isoamyl alcohol (PCI) method and Detergent method. The aim of the study was to make a comparative analysis and evaluation of these two methods to identify the one that gives a superior quality and quantity of genomic DNA. Total (n=48) each duplicate blood samples from three different buffalo(Bubalus bubalis) breeds Banni, Surti, Murrah, three zebu cattle (Bos indicus) breeds Kankerj, Gir, Sahiwal were collected from the jugular vein. The quantity, purity of the genomic DNA was assessed based on the total DNA yield, purity ratios, spectral profile, agarose gel electrophoresis analysis and polymerase chain reaction amplification of MC1R gene product without any inhibitors. The results of our study suggest that detergent method is also suitable for extraction of genomic DNA from the bovine blood and results were significant (*P>0.05). The total mean yield was found to be 329.05±11 μg/5ml for all six breeds while the PCI method was employed. The total mean yield of the gDNA for all six breeds was 406.6±43 μg/5ml of blood when the detergent method was used. One way ANOVA test showed that the total DNA yield varied depending on the isolation method used. The DNA yield obtained from the DG method was (***P< 0.001) significant as compared to the PCI method (**P

Key words: Total lymphocytes, gDNA, PCI method, DG method, Melanocortin-1-receptor gene.

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