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AAM. 2019; 8(1-2): 17-31

Preliminary Quality Control Parameters of Maha Sudarshana Ghana Vati- A Pilot Study

Niladri Bhattacharjya, Pramod R Yadav, Pradeep K Prajapati.


Introduction: Acceptance of Traditional medicines is growing in public domain and as well as scientific community day by day for its natural and relatively safe attributes. Growing popularity and commercialization of traditional medicine demands quality products because, only the standard quality products can give desired effects. Maha Sudarshan Churna, most preferable poly herbal formulation is being prescribed for various types of Jwara. In order to overcome the drawbacks of Churna Kalpana, Ayurvedic Pharmacies convert Maha Sudarshan Churna into Maha Sudarshan Ghana Vati (MSGV). Quality control parameters of Maha Sudarshan Churna are available in various scientific published literature however, quality control parameters of Maha Sudarshan Ghana Vati could not be traced.
Objective: To set a preliminary quality control parameters this may be helpful to the scientific community as well as manufacturing industries.
Material and Methods:Three different sealed packs of Maha Sudarshana Ghana Vatiwas procured from the Pharmacy of All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi, which were evaluated on Organoleptic tests, Physico-chemical parameters such as pH, water soluble extractive, Alcoholic soluble extractive, Loss on drying, Ash value, Acid insoluble ash, Water soluble ash, and Specific tests for tablets such as weight variation test, friability, disintegration timeas per standard guidelines were carried out. Chromatographic profile was developed and tests for presence of Heavy metals and pesticide residues were also carried out.
Results and Conclusion: Average values for 3 different packs of MSGV showed pH value (5.5), ash value (12.67%), variation of weight (±9.02%), hardness (1.57 kg/cm2), tablet disintegration time (25±2 min) and friability (0.83%). Total 6 peaks were observed in HPLC chromatogram. Maha
Sudarshana Ghana vati was found free from heavy metals viz. Hg,Pb, As, Cd contamination and pesticide residues. Quality control parameters are the fundamental factors for evaluating the purity, standards and effectiveness of any formulation. Therefore, the findings of the present study may be considered as first step towards generating scientific evidence of quality assurance for marketed formulations.

Key words: Maha Sudarshana Ghana Vati, Quality control, HPLC, Heavy metals, pesticide residue

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