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Assessment of ventilatory disorders in artisans exposed to wood dust

Arame Mbengue, Abdou K Sow, Salimata Diagne Houndjo, Mor Diaw, Mame Saloum Coly, Pape Makhtar Fall, Valentin Ouedraogo, Aissatou Seck, Arnaud Jean Florent Tiendrebeogo, Fatoumata Ba, Maimouna Toure, Fatou Bintou Sarr, Abdoulaye Ba, Abdoulaye Samb.

Cited by 1 Articles

Background: Wood dust is produced at virtually all stages of the wood industry. The most important wood-related risks are
chemical hazards with the use of toxic, allergenic, and carcinogenic products which may alter respiratory function. Prevalence rates of ventilatory disorders are heterogeneous and no data are available in Senegal.

Aims and Objectives: The purpose of our study was to evaluate respiratory function in carpenters.

Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted from February to July 2017 in 70 male carpenters exclusively, from the city of Thiès. Each carpenter received a questionnaire and a spirometry test as a way of establishing a baseline state of all the subjects. The spirometry was subjected to the standardized validation procedure according to the American Thoracic Society/ European Respiratory Society criteria.

Results: The average age is 39 years old. Among these carpenters, 14% are active smokers and 17% are former smokers. Seniority ranged from 1 to 48 years. Spirometry revealed a pure obstructive respiratory disorder in 32.85% of cases. The obstruction is classified as mild in 17.14% and moderate in 7.14% of cases. A pure restrictive syndrome is present in 18.57% and a mixed syndrome in 7.14% of cases. Tobacco potentiates the effects of occupational airborne contaminants because smokers have more obstructive syndrome than ex-smokers 50% versus 33.33% (P = 0.02) and more restrictive syndrome than non-smokers 30% versus 14.58% (P = 0.01). Negative correlations between the duration of exposure and forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1), FEV1/forced vital capacity, and MEF 25–75% had been found.

Conclusion: Exposure to wood dust is implicated in the alteration of various respiratory function parameters.

Key words: Wood Dust; Respiratory Disorder; Spirometry; Ebony Carpenters; Senegal

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