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Case Report

EJMCR. 2019; 3(3): 98-101

Erythema multiforme occurring during concomitant chemoradiation for anal canal cancer: a case report

Aikaterini Angeliki Efstathopoulou,Piercarlo Saletti,MariaCarla Valli.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Multimodality treatment is the mainstay of therapy for patients with locally advanced squamous cell anal cancer. This consistes of concurrent radiation and chemotherapy (including fluoropyrimidines and mitomycin). Several adverse skin reactions are associated with fluoropyrimidines. Case Presentation: Here, we describe the occurrence of an erythema multiforme in a patient treated with radiotherapy and concomitant mitomycin C and capecitabine for anal cancer. Conclusion: We underline the potential cutaneous drug-induced toxicity during pelvic radiotherapy with capecitabine.

Key words: Anal canal cancer, erythema multiform, chemoradiation, capecitabine, case report.

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