Objective: To determine the frequency of various wound complications among diabetic patients after abdominal surgery.
Methodology: This cross sectional study was conducted at general surgical unit of Ayub Teaching Hospital Abbottabad from January to June 2020. Type-2 diabetic patients undergoing abdominal surgeries for various indications were studied for post-operative wound complications. Patients having anemia, cancer, abnormal skin conditions at surgical site, having repeated surgery or any condition (other than diabetes mellitus) suppressing body immunity were excluded from the study. Association of gender, age, body mass index, educational status and duration of diabetes were studied.
Results: Out of 200 cases, 64% were male and 36% female. Mean age was 39.42±5.67 years (range 15-75). Hernioplasty, laparotomy and cholecystectomy were common surgeries performed in 32%, 21% and 24.5%, respectively. Most common wound complication was wound infection seen in 14%. Increased body mass index and long duration of diabetes mellitus type-2 were mainly associated with post-operative wound complications.
Conclusion: Wound complications after abdominal surgery are common among type-2 diabetic patients having significant association with long duration of diabetes and increased body mass index.
Key words: Type-2 diabetes mellitus, abdominal surgery, wound dehiscence.