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IJHRS. 2018; 7(1): 56-62

Average power and average peak torque of trunk extensors isokinetic outputs did not vary with the change of the scapular positions among healthy subjects

Tarek M El-gohary, Samiha M Abdelkader.


Background: Maintaining good strength at trunk muscles extensors plays a vital role in enjoying good physical health.
Purpose: The main aim of this study was to examine the effect of assuming different scapular positions on the isokinetic output of the trunk extensors.
Method and Materials: Twenty six healthy college students were recruited to participate. The researcher collected demographic data in addition to recording full spinal mobility. Every participant was instructed to extend his trunk against the Biodex machine that was set at a velocity of 60° per second. Every participant has to assume the position of scapular protraction, retraction and depression via changing the elbows positions while having the fingers interlaced. The researcher measured the average peak torque and the average power in addition to all other available outputs.
Results: A one-way MANOVA was calculated examining the effect of changing scapular positions on average power and average peak torque. No significant effect was found [Lambda (2,24) = 1.09, p > 0.05] for average power. No significant effect was also found [Lambda (2,24) = 0.60, p > 0.05] for average peak torque.
Conclusion: No significant difference was detected while assuming different scapular positions and having participants doing back extension at 60° per second. However, from clinical perspective, clinicians should consider the level of difficulties experienced by subjects in designing a viable gradual resistive exercise program.

Key words: Isokinetic testing, peak torque, average power, back extensors.

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