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Case Report

Sudan J Paed. 2020; 20(2): 181-185

Nephrotic syndrome complicated with severe dengue infection in a child

Kalenahalli Jagadishkumar, Harshita Jagwani, Santhosh Kumar Malebennur, Tejasvi Seshadri.


Dengue illness is characterised by plasma leakage with or without bleeding, which may lead to dengue shock syndrome. Proteinuria and hypoalbuminaemia are common in dengue infection, and few cases of heavy proteinuria have been reported. Dengue infection features may mimic nephrotic syndrome in clinical practice. As dengue infection is endemic in India, it can be associated with other illnesses such as nephrotic syndrome. We report a child with nephrotic syndrome complicated with severe dengue infection.

Key words: Nephrotic syndrome; Severe dengue infection; Proteinuria; Complication.

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