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Immediate benefits of “Om” chanting on blood pressure and pulse rate in uncomplicated moderate hypertensive subjects

Jyoti Arora, Namrata Dubey.

Cited by 11 Articles

Background: Chronic stress plays major role in the development of hypertension (HTN) in young-aged and middle-aged adults in the present scenario of fast lifestyle. Such patients can be treated better by stress reduction techniques such as yoga and meditation with or without medication as per individual case. People are aware of many pranayama and meditation techniques, but there is no standard and scientifically proven advice to the patients for reduction of blood pressure (B.P).

Aims and Objectives: In our study, we have tried to study the immediate effect of 5 min Om chanting on heart rate and B.P in uncomplicated moderate hypertensives.

Materials and Methods: The study group comprises 50 hypertensive subjects (male and female) between the age group of 40–60 years who were already on drugs but demonstrated poor control of B.P.

Results: The significant reduction of 14/05 mmHg in B.P and 6 beats of pulse rate was observed immediately after 5 min of Om chanting.

Conclusions: Hence, Om chanting can also be added as supportive therapy with drugs in mild or moderate cases of HTN. Om chanting can be suggested as daily practice at least for 5 min for the better control of B.P along with regular medication.

Key words: Om Chanting; Blood Pressure; Meditation; Hypertensives

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