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Scientific, educational, linguistic& formative (SELF) evaluation strategy of a sample of multiple choice questions from integumentary& cardiac rehabilitation courseTarek M. El-gohary, Mostafa S. Ahmed, Hatem A. Emara, Osama A. Khaled. Abstract | | | | Background: Integumentary and cardiac rehabilitation courses should be designed to match educational level of learners. Course designer must gradually take learners step by step to eventually achieve the course objectives. Evaluation is essential part of any successful educational process. Evaluation needs to be aligned with the intended learning outcome and teaching strategies.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to apply the SELF evaluation strategy on a sample of multiple choice questions (MCQs) administered at integumentary and cardiac rehabilitation course.
Method and Materials: A number of MCQs were discussed along with the justification of choosing one answer while excluding the other options. The questions were derived from different topics taught at integumentary and cardiopulmonary course. MCQs were selected after running scientific, educational, linguistic& formative (SELF) evaluation strategy.
Results: Discrimination and difficulty indices were computed for all questions included. Questions were settled at their corresponding cells of the difficulty and discrimination indices template.
Conclusion: It is concluded that SELF evaluation strategy is feasible and practical, even among inexperienced academics, to assess the validity of MCQs within the field of integumentary and cardiac rehabilitation. It is recommended to use SELF evaluation strategy to have quality MCQs that lead to developing distinguished competency in integumentary and cardiac rehabilitation.
Key words: SELF evaluation, integumentary, rehabilitation, MCQ, competence