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Medicolegal autopsy administration

Zeynep Yener.


The term autopsy which means “seeing with one’s own eyes” origins from the words ‘’auto’’ and ‘’opsis’’. There are two types of autopsy as medical and forensic autopsies. In all suspicious or traumatic death, in which the etiology cannot be explained, autopsy should be performed. Before performing the autopsy information about the incident and any medical documents should be evaluated and essential preparations should be made. Autopsy should begin with the external examination and followed by the internal examination, cranial, thoracic and abdominal spaces should be evaluated. Special findings such as presence of froth in bodies that are pulled out of water should be recorded. Although it can vary depending on the case, toxicological, histopathological and biological sampling should be conducted in all cases. Preparing and using external examination forms for special cases such as firearm injuries, needle stick and sharp object injuries, cases that are pulled out of water and hanging cases, would help to develop standardized methods.

Key words: Medicolegal autopsy, autopsy procedure, autopsy forms

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