Pregnancy implanted in the rudimentary horn of unicornuate uterus is very rare with an incidence of 1 in 75,000 to 1 in 150,000 pregnancies. Half of them rupture, and 80% of the rupture occurs in first and second trimesters. Atrocious outcomes are reported. Horn pregnancy rarely reaches third trimester and when it does the diagnosis becomes more challenging. Ectopic in unicornuate rudimentary horn of uterus is difficult to diagnose even with best facilities available. Consequences are grave with slightest error of radiological and clinical judgment.
Here we present case series of women who had rudimentary horn pregnancy and presented with varied clinical presentation, however they went undiagnosed even after radiological assessment and it lead to exaggerated maternal morbidity. The purpose is to spread awareness of all such rare cases where maternal and fetal wellbeing is jeopardized, and accentuates the significance of high index of suspicion in all such cases.
Key words: Ectopic, rudimentary horn, mullerian anomaly, ruptures