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Hematinic and antioxidant potential of aqueous extract of Sesamum indicum seeds against phenylhydrazine-induced hemolytic anemia in albino rats

Sridhar Prasad Y P, Padmaja Hari, Shajina M, Mirshad P V, Fasalu Rahiman O M.

Cited by 18 Articles

Background: More than 2 billion people around the world are suffering from anemia. Majority of populations in developing countries are depending on dietary supplementation and herbal medicine for the management of the anemic condition. The seed of Sesamum indicum L is used for its nutritional, medicinal, and industrial purposes in many parts of the world, which is also used as hematinics agent in the traditional system.

Aim and Objective: This study investigated the hematinic and antioxidant potential of aqueous extract of S. indicum L. supplementation therapy in a rodent model of hemolytic anemia induced by phenylhydrazine (PHZ).

Materials and Methods: About 36 adult albino rats were selected, of which six were considered to be normal controls. Anemia was induced by intraperitoneal administration of PHZ in remaining 30 rats. On the basis of hemoglobin (Hb) estimation after 2 days of PHZ administration, 24 rats were selected as anemic and randomly classified them into four groups. Groups II and III served as negative and positive control, while Groups IV and V were administered with the aqueous extract of Sesamum for 14 days. Rats were sacrificed at the end of 14th day, and their blood samples were collected.

Result: After the injection of PHZ rats developed hemolytic anemia reflected by a significant decrease in red blood cell (RBC) count, Hb concentration, and hematocrit percentage. Interestingly, therapy with S. indicum had significantly reversed these deteriorating effects on PHZ on RBCs, HGB, and HCT. In addition, sesame therapy significantly reversed the decreases in serum levels of total glutathione and activities of superoxide dismutase.

Conclusion: The result of this study thus indicated that S. indicum is effective remedy to manage anemia in humans.

Key words: Hematinic activity; Sesamum indicum; Anemia; Phenylhydrazine; Antioxidant

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