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Original Article

Med Arch. 2018; 72(2): 94-98

Potential Anti-Inflammatory Treatment of Ischaemic Hearth Disease

Enisa Hodzic.


Introduction: Ischemic heart disease (IHD) is clinical manifestation of chronic inflammatory progressive pathological process of atherosclerosis in coronary arteries. IHD is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the world. The question is whether it is possible to improve and direct the therapeutic treatment of IHD patients in the treatment of the inflammatory process in the atherosclerotic leasions. Material and Methods: A prospective, comparative, analytica,clinically applicable, open-type study was performed. The study was conducted on 80 subjects with controlled biohumoral markers: troponin, CK, CK MB, BNP; markers of atherogenesis: LDL and homocystein; inflammatory markers: CRP, amyloid, cytokines IL-2, IL-6,TNF-alpha. The experimental group of 38 respondents had in addition to the conventional IHD treatment with: ampicillin (which included organosulfur compounds), cyancobalamin, vitamin B complex (B1, B2 and B6) and folacin. A control group of 42 respondents did not have this additional treatment. Results: Major adverse cardic events (MACE) such as postinfarctic angina pectoris and repeated infarction, need for surgical interventions of myocardial revascularization, signs of cardiac insufficiency and death were observed during the one-year period. There was no correlation between the IL-2, IL-6 and TNF-alpha, as well as CK, CKMB and troponin and MACE in one-year follow-up. There was a strong positive correlation between MACE and CRP (p = 0,0002) and amyloid (p = 0,0005) as inflamatory markers; a strong positive correlation between MACE and homocysteine as an atherogenic marker (p = 0,0002, and amoderate positive correlation between MACE and BNP (p = 0.0403) as ischemic marker and marker of cardiac insufficiency. The echocardiographically monitored systolic function showed a moderate difference in the groups with average higher values in the experimantal group (p = 0.0282). Conclusion: The applied treatment exhibited a moderate positive effect on the systolic function of LV and significantly reduced the MACE in the work compared to the control group (p

Key words: ischemic heart disease, marker, ampicillin, vitamin B complex, MACE.

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