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Investigation of phytochemical constituents in Azolla microphylla for antibacterial activity

Sathammaipriya N, Thamilmaraiselvi B, Steffi P F, Sangeetha K.

Cited by 13 Articles

Background: Modern day food and lifestyle have resulted in an increasing number of diseases and disorders. A major percentage of the population depends on herbal medicines due to various needs.

Aim and objective: The aim of the study was to investigate phytochemical and antibacterial activity in Azolla microphylla.

Materials and methods: The present studies will reveal the activity of A. microphylla as an antimicrobial agent. Preliminary phytochemical studies were
carried out to screen the components present in the species, and their antimicrobial activity was performed.

Results: Azolla extract found to possess enhanced antimicrobial action on bacteria.

Conclusion: The methanol, ethanol, and water extracts showed good antibacterial activity when compared to chloroform and petroleum ether and it may be due to the presence of more phytochemical constituents, and hence, it can be used in therapeutic preparations.

Key words: Azolla microphylla; Phytochemical; Antimicrobial; Blue-green Algae

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