From the Editors Desk
Salaam Alaikum,
Once again it is a great pleasure in reaching you through this issue of MJHS. First of all let me thank our beloved Rector- Dr. Khalid bin Saad Al Meqrin and the Vice Rector for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Prof. Dr. Mohammad Bin Abdullah Al-Shaayaa for delegating this responsibility to me. I am pleased to acknowledge the contribution of our editorial board members. I also extend my gratitude to the reviewers, authors and the publishing committee.
In this era of technological explosion newer diagnostic methods, newer treatment modalities, academic journals may take this information to the practitioners and students, as knowledge and acquaintance of the same is much essential for better clinical practices. In the present scenario of education, publications are considered as milestones of academic achievements. MJHS provides such a platform for the students and the teaching faculty inside and outside the Kingdom to exhibit their research. This issue of MJHS comes out with innovative articles belonging to review category, original research and case reports.This journal focuses on the researches on basic science and clinical research including prevention, treatment and prognosis of diseases.
As you may know that MJHS is indexed with index Copernicus, all efforts are being made by the editorial team to get MJHS indexed in other reputed search engines like PUB-MED, SCOPUS and ISI. Education is the most powerful tool which can be used to change the world. It is a well known fact that learning gives creativity, creativity leads to thinking, thinking provides knowledge and knowledge makes you great. Research is nothing but creating new knowledge. Journals are meant for disseminating the knowledge, ideas and experiences through scientific articles. This issue of MJHS has interesting original articles and case reports, hope it will be greatly appreciated by the readers.
Without the support of the editorial team, panel of reviewers and also the members of MJHS, this mission to bring out this issue would not have been achieved. I take this opportunity to thank the Almighty and all the members of the University for their constant support throughout the process of publishing this journal.
Editor-in-Chief, MJHS
Professor. Dr. Mohammed HS Al-Turaiki
Key words: Editorial