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Majmaah J Heal Sci. 2016; 4(2): 36-55

Detection of Retinal Blood Vessels by using Gabor filter with Entropic threshold

Mohamed I Waly, Ahmed El-Hossiny.


Diabetic retinopathy is the basic reason for visual deficiency. This paper introduces a programmed strategy to identify and dispense with the blood vessels. The location of the blood vessels is the fundamental stride in the discovery of diabetic retinopathy because the blood vessels are the typical elements of the retinal picture. The location of the blood vessels can help the ophthalmologists to recognize the sicknesses prior and quicker. The blood vessels recognized and wiped out by utilizing Gobar filter on two freely accessible retinal databases which are STARE and DRIVE. The exactness of segmentation calculation is assessed quantitatively by contrasting the physically sectioned pictures and the comparing yield pictures, the Gabor filter with Entropic threshold vessel pixel segmentation by Entropic thresholding is better vessels with less false positive portion rate.

Key words: Diabetic retinopathy- funds camera - Gobar filter- Entropic threshold

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