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J App Pharm Sci. 2018; 8(7): 129-132

Enrich Schematization in Children: Play as The Tool for Cognitive Development

Vidya Bhagat, Mainul Haque, Kamarudin Jaalam.


Cognitive development gets toned by the improved external environment in developing children. The play is one of the tools used for parents and teachers that can be supportive in enriching schemas in children that can promote cognitive development. Indeed, its implication erupts in early developmental stages through schematization. The purpose of the article is to promote awareness regarding the significance of play in cognitive development. Further to understand the role of play in schematization process. This article based on the perspective of cognitive development and its association with a game of enriching schemas in the developmental process. In nutshell views of this article indicates

Key words: Schematization, Play, Cognitive Development

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