Rajata bhasma (incinerated silver) potentially utilized in various formulations such as Jayamangala Rasa, Mahamraganka Rasa, Lakshmivilasa
Rasa, Vatagajankusha Rasa, Vijaya Parpati etc. Silver being a noble metal is said to be superior among metals after Gold. Works emphasizing on pharmaceutical standardization of Rajata Bhasma (RB) are very few. Though, standards of Rajata Bhasma prepared by Kupipakva method followedcby puta (RB2) are available, comparison with direct puta (RB1) has not been found. Present study attempts to provide a comparative pharmaceuticalcand physico-chemical profile of RB1 & RB2.
Authentic raw materials were collected and classical guidelines were followed in preparing both the samples of bhasma. pH, Ash value, Acid insolublecash, Water soluble ash, Loss on drying, percentage of Silver and Sulphur were evaluated in both the samples. RB1fulfilled all the classical parameters of Bhasma after 17th puta, whereas RB2 took 11 putas for the same. The physico-chemical profiles of both samples were found to be identical. Considering pharmaceutical observations, RB2 is found to be better in comparison to RB1. As, there is no physico-chemical profile available for RB,the current data may be considered as standard in future studies.
Key words: Standardization, Rajata Bhasma, Puta, Kupipaka