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TAF Prev Med Bull. 2007; 6(6): 459-464

Reflection of the Nurses on their Responsibilities and the Students’ Working System During Clinical Teaching

Aygül,Akyüz*, Nuran,Tosun, Dilek,Yıldız, Ayşe,Kılıç.


In this descriptive study, we aimed to determine the views of nurses on their responsibilities and the students’ working system during student clinical teaching. The study universe consisted of nurses working at the Gulhane Military Medical Faculty training hospital while the study sample consisted of 165 nurses working the day shift (08:00-17:00) on weekdays during December 2005 and willing to participate in the study. We used the survey form developed by the researchers following a literature survey to collect the data. This form contained items on the nurses’ own responsibilities during the clinical teaching of the students, the working system of the students, their views on being role models and the principles regarding the staff responsible for clinical teaching. Percentages and the chi-square test were used for the analysis of the data. Within the context of the research, 66,1% of the nurses have stated that the course instructor should possess the primary responsibility for the students during the clinical study while some 23,6% of the nurses expressed that the responsibility belonged to themselves. According to the 32,1% of the nurses, the presence of intern nurses in the clinic would increase patient care quality while 32,1% of them indicated an increase in job satisfaction; 49,1% of them expressed that it would not constitute a limitation of time allocated to the patient care and finally 44,8% of them stated that this presence of intern nurses would not increase their workload. 65,8% of the nurses have implied that students should conduct their studies as patient-centric, while 77,6% of them expressed that they would see themselves as the perfect role model for their students during the clinical teachings.

Key words: Nursing students, clinical teaching, nurses’ responsibility, role modelling

Article Language: Turkish English

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