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Is the appendix length/diameter ratio an early-indicator for the perforation in acute appendicitis?

Ugur Ekici, Faik Tatli, Murat Kanlioz.

Cited by 4 Articles

Acute appendicitis is the most frequent reason for the stomachaches resulting in the surgery. The acute appendicitis perforation might create complications that are of vital importance. In this study, it is aimed to examine the relationship of appendix length/diameter ratio with acute appendicitis perforation.
Using the pathology results of appendectomy materials of 144 patients that applied to emergency service between March 2013 and May 2014 and were operated due to the suspicion of acute appendicitis, the length/diameter ratios were calculated. The patients were divided into 2 groups as perforated appendicitis and non-perforated appendicitis. The number of patients and the length/diameter ratios were calculated and recorded for both groups. Pearson’s Chi-Square test was used for statistical analysis.
In pathological examination of 144 patients involved in this study, non-complicated acute appendicitis was diagnosed in 123 (85.4%) patients, while 21(14.6%) patients were found to have perforation. In present study, the results indicating that the length/diameter ratio might be used as early indicator for the perforation were achieved. When the appendix length/diameter ratio declined below 10, then the perforation frequency significantly increased (p

Key words: Acute appendicitis; appendix length/diameter ratio; appendicitis perforation

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