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Synergistic Antibacterial Effect of Silver Nanoparticles and Extremely Low-Frequency Pulsed Magnetic Fields on Klebsiella pneumoniae

Mai I. El-kaliuoby, Alaa M. Khalil, Ahmed M. El-Khatib, Thanaa I. Shalaby.

Cited by 13 Articles

The potential use of antibiotics made dramatically increase of antibacterial resistance and the need of different alternatives to antibiotics becomes a must. Recently effects of supplying AgNPs and exposure to ELF-PMF as bactericidal agents were examined alone/and with combination of antibiotics. This research aimed to explore the synergistic effects of combination of exposure to ELF-PMF and supplying of AgNPs. K. pneumonia bacterium is used as gram-negative model to be tested under supplying of different AgNPs concentrations and exposure to ELF-PMF at different frequencies. The best synergistic effect is determined by obtaining most inhibitory concentration of AgNPs and resonance frequency of ELF-PMF that cause maximum growth inhibition. Kinetics of growth and MIC/MBC levels showed that exposure to 20Hz-PMF, 30 min with supplement of 150 ppm-AgNPs caused highly synergistic effect by 90% enhancement of growth inhibition. It is concluded that, using the benefits of exposure to electromagnetic waves with the presence of nanoparticles can limit the wide-spread of silver nano-products and give chance of nano-antibacterial agents to be used in safe limits.

Key words: ELF-PMF, AgNPs, K. pneumonia, Kinetics of growth, MIC, MBC. 

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