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Sleep Hypn. 2019; 21(1): 44-50

The Effects of Aquatic Isometric and Isotonic Resistance Exercises on Fatigue Index of Aged Men

Masoud Mirmoezzi, Mahdi Yousefi, Maryam Salmanpour.


Background: Fatigue is a common symptom of aging that may be attributed to a decline in normal functioning. Therefore, the aim of the study was to investigate whether aquatic isometric and isotonic resistance exercises improve the fatigue index in aged men.
Methods: Forty-elderly men were volunteered to participate in the study and were randomized into two groups of either Exercise (n=20; 70.6±2.3 years) or control group (n=20; 68.8±3.8 years). Blood Lactate Acid Concentration (BLC) and maximal tolerance to treadmill walking (MTW) were measured before and after exercise intervention. Exercise group (EG) underwent 10 weeks of exercises (3 days per week) consisting of resistance training; Upper Body Training In the Lunge position, rowing and bench; Core Body exercises containing Abdominal strngthening, sitting on a leaning seated position legs, V position and Lower Body exercises consisting of knee flexion, Hip abduction, flexion and extension, while the control group received no specific exercise program. All exercises were performed 2 Sets of 15 Repetitions at 70 percent of subjects' peak strength. ANCOVA test was used to analyze the data at the significance level of 0.05.
Results: The results indicated that EG had Improvement in post-test fatigue index compared to CG [18.82% for BLC (mg/Lit) and 19.18% for MTW (hr.)] while the rate was not sustained by the CG. It was also suggested that a combination of aquatic isometric and isotonic exercises improves the level of elderly fatigue index in both MWT (p= 0.019) and BLC (p= 0.001) compared to the control group.
Conclusion: It appears that aquatic isometric and isotonic resistance exercises stimulates improvements in measures of fatigue index in elderly males.

Key words: Keywords: Resistance Training, Lactic Acid, Fatigue, aged.

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